Obion County Board of Education
December 1, 2008

Agenda Item: VIII.C.

Consider/Approve Amendment to Board Policy – #6.200 Attendance

Background Information:

Board Policy #6.200, Attendance (beginning on page 4, line 38), provides, in pertinent part, "More than ten (10) consecutive or fifteen (15) reported absences (excused or unexcused) by a student during any semester renders a student ineligible to retain a driver's permit or license, or to obtain such if of age." (emphasis added). TCA §49-6-3017(b), provides, in part, "Whenever a student fifteen (15) years of age or older withdraws from school, except as provided in subsection (d), the attendance teacher or director of schools shall notify the department of safety of such withdrawal. Within five (5) days of receipt of such notice, the department shall send notice to the licensee that the license will be suspended..." TCA §49-6-3017(c) defines "withdrawal" as "...more than ten (10) consecutive or fifteen (15) days total unexcused absences during a single semester." (emphasis added). According to the law, the Department of Safety will not suspend a student's driver's permit or license based on excused absences.

To reconcile Board Policy to TCA §49-6-3017, Board Policy should be amended to read as follows: More than ten (10) consecutive or fifteen (15) unexcused absences by a student during any semester renders a student ineligible to retain a driver's permit or license, or to obtain such if of age.

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend approval of the amendment to Board Policy #6.200. Since this amendment is simply reconciling Board Policy to current state law, I further recommend that the second reading be waived and that this amendment be approved on first, and final, reading.